
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

My Favorite Food

  My favorite food is noodles with soy sauce, in fact I like all foods with soy sauce in any form, salty or sweet. I love eating this dish in the summer, especially on a sunny day on a park lawn with friends. Also, the best thing about this dish is that it is very easy to make and very economical, you only need noodles, water and soy sauce and in just five minutes the best dish in the world is ready! When I was a child, my mother would always cook this meal on some days when we were under a lot of stress and when we got home late, this dish was the only thing in the world that calmed us from our troubles and our stressful days. So, this dish brings me many memories of emotions of happiness and love. Now I can cook this dish alone for myself and for my family.

My favorite photograph

  My favorite photo is the one in which my mother and sister appear. They are the most important people in my life, and that is why this is my favorite photo, it reminds me a lot of happiness and joy. I also really like the colors that appear in this photo, especially the ones in my coat. This photograph was taken by my sister's boyfriend when I was only six years old. That day he took many photos and the photo I chose for this blog is the only one that came out sharp and with the three of them looking at the camera. It was very cold that day, but with my mother and sister I never felt it. I wish very much it would be repeated this day because I miss both being a kid like at the time this photo was taken.

Technology in my life

  When I was a child, my school did not allow us to use technology at any time in class or at home. So, I never used it much, but for my 11th birthday my uncle gave me an iPod and I loved it and I used it every night before going to sleep, usually listening to a song called “Waka waka” by Shakira. Today, I never use that iPod because with new technology it is very simple to search music in different phone or computer applications.  In the pandemic I have used technology like never before, because without my computer or my phone I cannot enter my classes or my social life or my personal projects. I think that b efore living without technology gave tranquility and mental peace, but today I believe that access to the universe of technology is necessary to live.