Inspiration for my career
Paulo Freire is a Brazilian teacher whose specialty is intervention in discriminated and vulnerable communities through pedagogy. One of his most important contributions to the world was his theory of the "pedagogy of the oppressed", that is why he is the person related to my career. He also wrote many books such as "Education for critical consciousness", "The politics of education", "Learning to question. A pedagogy of liberation", "Cultural action for freedom", among others.
His theories inspired me a lot to act and think in my everyday life. The fact of thinking about something like changing the world for the most discriminated people, is my wish, to be able to help and contribute to this transformation as Paulo Freire does with his theories. Aforementioned, I really like a website called “”. On this site you can see all the Chilean movies you want. In general it is a site that exposes a lot of culture and national history.
Yas girl! Paulo Freire is just an incredible person and, of course, a inspiration for we all. We must begging applicate his theories!... Violently... of course.